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Welcome to Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School

Hope | Compassion | Forgiveness | Truthfulness | Perseverance | Respect
'For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you hope & a future' Jeremiah 29:11


Under 2s extension consultation

We have been awarded the Primary Geography Quality Mark.

We have been awarded the Music Mark 2023-24

music mark
School News Feed
  • Newsletter
    24 July 2024
    Please find attached the final newsletter of the school year. We have included lots of information that will be useful for September including uniform & PE requirements and key events & dates. Have a lovely summer and we will see you in September (Wednesday 4th).
  • Important
    19 July 2024
    Pilot Project - PINS Parent Survey
    Good afternoon, We are excited to be part of a pilot in Warrington that is about providing further training for school and additional support and communication to parents with a key focus on special educational needs. Warrington Parents and Carers (your local parent carer forum) will be working with our school on a project called Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS). The project aims to provide whole school support specifically for Neuro diverse students. The aim is to establish a more effective working relationship between education, health, and parent carers through those partnerships and working with your local parent carer forum. The offer of support for each school involved in the project will be based on the information by both yourselves as parent and carers and your school views that are gathered and discussed. All views will be listened to and will facilitate ongoing engagement between parent carers and the school’s leadership teams. So that your voice is heard, there is a small survey which will gather your views. Your experience as parent carers can help to inform the work we do and the support that is given to your child’s school. Please take time to complete it and we look forward to meeting some of you in September when we will be holding a chat session where we will be handing out free care packs, ready to listen to your experiences. Click on the link below to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pinswarr
  • Important
    19 July 2024
    Collective Worship - survey
    Good afternoon, We would value any of your thoughts about our collective worship which is an important part of each day including our celebration assembly on a Friday. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RNTZVQ7 If you could take a few minutes to complete the survey, we would appreciate it. We will be sharing the newsletter at some point in the next week with some key information for September. We wish you a very lovely summer and can't wait to see you all back in September.
  • Newsletter
    13 July 2024
    Good afternoon, Please find the newsletter for the final week of term.
  • Important
    11 July 2024
    Parent Survey
    Good morning, We would value you completing the parent survey accessible via the link below to support us in planning for next year. Thank you https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T9WH985
  • Sports
    7 July 2024
    Wednesday 10th Sports for Champions - supporting England
    As England are playing on Wednesday, we wanted to offer the children the opportunity to wear a top in support of England (if they would like to) as part of their PE kit on this day. This can be an England top or one that is red white or blue. They can also come in in their normal PE kit. Please send in your sponsorship forms tomorrow or sponsor the children online (info via ping) Thank you!
  • Newsletter
    6 July 2024
    Good evening, Please find this week's newsletter.
  • Newsletter
    3 July 2024
    Please see the newsletter (apologies it is a few days late)
  • Important
    11 June 2024
    Walking Day - Important
    Please find attached a letter regarding Padgate Walking Day. This is a joint letter from local schools.
  • Newsletter
    9 June 2024
    Good afternoon, We hope you have had a wonderful break and look forward to seeing you in the morning. Cape Town - please note that your PE day is now a Monday. Many thanks
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