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From September 2020


For the first two weeks on the return in Septmeber, the whole school looked at the book 'Here We Are: Notes for living on planet Earth' By Oliver Jeffers.

This story allowed us to look at the world we live in from the perspective of a father talking to his newborn child. Showing us the wonders of the world, the differences between us all and the greatness of the planet we are a small part of.  This was a great resources to support the children with their return to in school learning.

Nurture, Support and Mental Wellbeing were at the heart of school provision in September.

For the first three weeks, the morning began with classroom worship which focused on resilience and courage, supporting the children in their return to school. 

Throughout the remainder of the morning, maths and English was taught and at the heart of this provision was diagnostic assessment so that we could establish areas that needed recapping and developing.

The afternoons were focused on wellbeing and resilience building, including through outdoor learning and physical education. Religious Education was also taught weekly. Within RE, the children were able to discuss and ask big questions which supported them in their re-integration back into school and learning. 

As the term progressed, the curriculum offer broadened so that by October half term, the full broad and balanced curriculum was being taught.


To ensure that the children's learning continued to be progressive and to support the spiral curriculum, each key stage reviewed their curriculum for the upcoming year and built in starting points that covered missed learning from the Summer term.

Below you will find the Recovery Curriculum for each Key Stage and how we are supporting the children with catching up on the learning we were unable to provide in full during the summer term.

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