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Christingle Service


On Sunday 15th December, some of our families and our school choir joined Christ Church Padgate for a very special Christingle Service.  This was followed by a community carol service with a special nativity scene, carols performed by our school choir and carol singing accompanied by a brass band.

community carol

Christ Church Extravaganza

Every key stage created decorations for a tree to be displayed at Christ Church as part of the Christmas Tree Extravaganza.

Our Year 5 & 6 children went to the Church to see them and Rev'd Simon spent time with the children.

The whole school community were encouraged to visit the church during this special time.

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First Holy Communion

In November, some of our pupils who were recently confirmed took part in their first Holy Communion at Christ Church on Sunday

Christingle choir 1Christingle choir

Christmas Carol Service held in Church

The whole school walked to Christ Church to celebrate a very special carol service led by Rev'd Simon and Rev'd Emma.

The singing was amazing and filled the church with joy.

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At the beginning of November, some of our pupils made the decision to be confirmed. This was a wonderful and special celebration. We were very proud of our young people and the committment they undertook.

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Heartsmart Day

heartsmart day 2
heartsmart day
heartsmart day 1
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