The aim of our Interfaith weeks is to explore world faiths.
Our Interfaith week will provide us with a deeper understanding of faiths we may encounter in Britain and around the world today and help us to respect each other.
If you have something that you would like to share with us about your faith - please email headteacher@cinnamonbrow.org.uk
Interfaith Week 2025

This year our theme was Christianity around the world alongside deepening the children's learning from RE units linked to sacred texts and prayer.
We began the week with a whole school worship focusing on Christianity as a world faith and listening to a Nigerian worship song 'Imela, Imela'. We also revisited the Life Centre school in the Gambia where we sponsor two children.
In EYFS, the children shared prayers and learnt from the persona dolls about their faith.
In KS1, the children looked at how Christians are called to worship in different countries and they also learnt to sing a song in Nigerian. They then developed their understanding of the Islamic holy book, The Qu'ran, building on the RE unit on sacred books.
In KS2, the children looked at different ways that churches around the world share the peace plus the Lord's prayer in different languages. They also learnt a Nigerian song.
LKS2 then built on their RE unit on prayer focusing on prayer within the Islam faith.
UKS2 extended their understanding of the Jewish festival of Purim. They explored persecution nad created artwork that expressed freedom from persecution.
Interfaith Week 2024
A key focus for interfaith week was to develop children's understanding of key Religious festivals alongside telling more than 'one story' to deepen children's knowledge.
In EYFS and KS1 the children met Christian, Jewish and Muslm persona dolls with different stories about their faith. In KS1, the persona dolls helped to explain about the Jewish celebration of Passover and how Muslims celebrate Ramadam. The children across EYFS & KS1 took part in a Hindu workshop to develop their understanding of Hinduism.
In LKS2, the children built on their understanding of Passover linked to their RE unit. They created a passover meal to help to bring their learning to life. The children then had an introduction to Sikhism and took part in a Sikh dance workshop.
In UKS2, the children revisited the RE unit 'The Exodus'. They recapped the importance of the Jewis festival of Passover and learnt how Christians see the links between this and Easter. They created expressions of freedom in artwork.
They developed their understanding of Ramadam and also learnt about Sikhism and completed a Sikh dance workshop.

Interfaith Week 2023

During the week, each key stage built on their previous learning in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. This supported their understanding.
Each key stage, heard from special visitors including local Christians from our community including from Christ Church, the Eden Project, Warrington Community Grocery and Life Church. Each key stage had an online session with Rabbi Zvi building on their previous learning on Judaism.
In EYFS & KS1, the children used the persona dolls to expand their understanding. In addition, KS1 focused on prayer and learnt about the Lord's prayer. They also deepened their understanding of Judaism focusing on the Torah.
LKS2 explored the Bible's big story wall frieze and created artwork based upon the book, 'The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross. They then developed their understanding of sacred texts building on their learning from this RE unit.
In UKS2, developed their understanding of people of faith using this RE unit. They explored stories of faith from Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
They then considered their own journey of faith and expressed this in artwork.
Cinnamon Brow Interfaith Week 2022
Over the course of the week the children watched videos/ listened to Christian speakers talk about their faith. They considered:
What does it mean to be a Christian?
How does faith influence the life of a Christian?
Why is the Bible important to Christians?
In our EYFS classes, the children met our persona dolls to develop their understanding of different faiths: here.

During the week, the children virtually visited a mosque - an Islamic place of worship. They also listened to a Muslim visitor talk about his faith. They considered:
What does it mean to be a Muslim?
Why are the five pillars important to Muslims?
How does faith influence the life of a Muslim?
How do Muslim's celebrate their faith throughout the year?
Each key stage had a session with Rabbi Zvi talk via zoom.
Rabbi Zvi spoke to us about the Jewish place of worship, what items we may find in the Synagogue and what day to day life is like for a Jewish person.
Find out more about Rabbi Zvi and the Jewish Community of Berkshire here. The children considered:
What does it mean to be a Jewish person?
How does faith influence the live of a Jewish person?
'What is Judaism?' Video - Click Here