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Children's Prayers


Church of England - prayer for children

Loving God,
your Son told his disciples
to become like little children.
Lead us to work for the welfare
and protection of all young people.
May we respect their dignity
that they may flourish in life,
following the example of the same
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liverpool Diocesan Prayer

Loving Father,
by your grace, we long to see
more people knowing Jesus,
and more justice in your world.
Help us to live as your disciples in the power of the Spirit and to work to your praise and glory.

Prayers for Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School from Rt Revd Beverley A Mason Bishop of Warrington

Lord Jesus

Please hear our prayer for all at Cinnamon Brow Church of England Primary School.

Please protect each and every one of us from Coronavirus.

Help us to play our part and work together to make our school a safe place

of learning,

of friendship and

of happiness.

Please help us to brighten one another’s day by caring and acts of kindness.

Thank you for loving us so much.


O God,

I thank you so much for all at Cinnamon Brow Primary School.

I thank you for the faith, the professionalism and the diligence of all who work here and for the immense responsibility they shoulder.

Please make your presence known to the Head, the teachers and staff and all who ensure the learning and wellbeing of the children and may they know they your blessing.

I pray, too, for all the children [as they start this new term, that they will quickly settle into new routines;] that their curiosity will be teased and their imagination stirred as they learn new things from those entrusted with their learning.  May they make good and lasting friendships and may Cinnamon Brow be a place where memories are made and cherished.

Be with parents and families at this anxious time. Help allay their fears and give them your peace. Help all of us to work together to ensure the safety of all.

Under the protection of your wing, keep all safe and bless us.  We make our prayer in the name of the one who abandoned his own safety in order to bring us life, hope and blessing, even Jesus Christ our Lord.  


Five Finger Prayer

Thumb (people who are close to you) These are your close friends and family, often the first you think about when you pray. Give thanks to God and ask his protection on your parents, siblings, friends, and classmates.

Pointer (people who point the way) These are leaders in your life, such as teachers and pastors. Offer God your thanksgiving for them and ask him to help them in their important work.

Tall Finger (people in authority) The big people in the world need prayer too. Ask God to give wisdom to our government, military, and police.

Ring Finger (people who are weak) This is your weakest finger. We should remember others who are sick, live in poverty, or are treated badly. Pray that Jesus would give them new strength.

Little Finger (your own needs) God wants to hear your needs too, especially when you put others first. Pray for your own growth in mind, body, and spirit.

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