Please see below images of the current Cinnamon Brow School Uniform. Please remember that there is no requirement for uniform to be branded; however, if you do wish to purchase branded school uniform, it is available from the Warrington school wear shop in Warrington Town Centre and via online at Touchline.
Please note that if your child arrives at school without the appropriate school uniform, they will need to come to the school office to sign out replacements for the day. We will send home a slip to parents to remind about the requirements for uniform. This includes school ties in KS2.
We request that children wear black leather-style shoes as part of their school uniform. Some children wear trainer-style leather shoes which are acceptable as long as logos are fully black and discreet.
See below some examples of shoes - any queries, please ask the office for advice.
We encourage children in Reception class to wear a polo shirt rather than shirt/blouse. Children in Key Stage One have the option of wearing a polo shirt instead of a shirt/blouse. There is no need for this to be a branded polo shirt but we do have that option for that would like it.
In Reception class and Key Stage One there is no requirement to wear a tie although some children do. In Reception and Key Stage One classes, we strongly advise parents to provide velcro fastening shoes unless children can tie their own shoe laces.
KS2 uniform requiremens are blouse/shirt and tie - NOT a polo shirt
We request that children DO NOT bring in large bags or rucksacks due to lack of room within the cloakrooms.
Reception class will be given a clear reading bag as they start the year.
In KS1/KS2, we ask that children bring in a drawstring bag. School bags with logo can be purchased via Touchline but this is not a requrement. (examples below)
We are asking that parents ensure that they have a pair of wellies for their child as part of school uniform as we have all year round play on the field.
Water Bottles
Our Global Citizen's pupil voice group have asked that children bring a reusable water bottle to school rather than single use bottles. Thank you
Second Hand Uniform
We have spare uniform and wellies in school and can support families with second hand uniform.
Please ask in the office.
If you have any uniform / wellies that no longer fits your child/ren, please consider donating to school. Thank you