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Welcome to Reception!

We are Edinburgh and Cardiff class.

Key Learning-Spring

Literacy- We are looking forward to sharing some interesting fiction and non-fiction texts during this Autumn term. Here is an introduction to the books we will be studying together:

A young boy receives a toy bus as a present and has great fun exploring the world with his new toy which turns out to be quite a naughty bus – or is it the boy being naughty?!! This is a very unusual picture book with a story told through close up photography and mainly narrated by the toy bus.

A hilarious retelling of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, with not one but TWO twists!

Tom has a VERY important job; every day he climbs to the top of the hill and watches for pirate ships. But when he rings his bell and shouts "PIRATES!" a few too many times - and there's NO pirate ship - the villagers begin to get tired of hiding. So what will happen when the pirates really do show up?




This term in Reception we will learn about:

  • Place value of numbers 1-10
  • Identifying one more/one less of a given number
  • Number bonds to 10
  • Addition and subtraction of numbers between 0-10
  • Exploring patterns
  • Counting on and counting back
  • Recognising and describing common 2D and 3D shapes


Parent information.

We will be exploring new graphemes (letter sounds) each week and teaching your child how to identify these when reading. Through games and activities, we will model techniques that allow your child to bring these graphemes together to develop their reading. We want the children to develop a love of reading through story time and exploration of high-quality books. We will be writing with different mediums. This could be pencil and paper, pens, blank greetings cards, whiteboards, outdoor chalks, labels etc.  We will encourage and guide your child to apply the graphemes they learn in Phonics to write for a variety of purposes such as shopping lists, labelling their drawings, writing their name/the name of familiar people, writing simple captions. 

The phonemes and tricky words the children will be learning are-


Reading Books
Please ensure that you bring your child's school reading book bag back into school daily as this will be used to bring home important letters and it will keep our reading books safe. Reading books are changed every Wednesday and returned Thursday.

We will also be working on reading eggs in class and at home! If you are unsure how to access Reading Eggs at home please ask a member of staff at school.

Your child also has access to online books through their log in to Collins Big Cat Ebook. These are the books your child has been reading in their guided reading sessions and is another opportunity to develop their fluency by sharing a book they are already familiar with.

PE will take place each Wednesday for Edinburgh and Cardiff. We are requesting that on their PE day children come to school dressed for PE with appropriate outdoor PE kit: black jogging bottoms, white/black plain T-Shirt and outdoor trainers. During colder periods your child can wear their school jumper or cardigan to take part in outdoor activities. 

Outdoor Learning

Children will be completing outdoor learning activities planned and led by members of the class teaching team.

We are requesting that on their Forest School day, children come into school with their normal blouse / shirt and jumper/cardigan but bring with them in a named bag wear appropriate trousers for outdoors. It is essential that they also come with a waterproof coat/jacket and a plastic bag containing wellies or walking boot style shoes / old trainers.

Outdoor learning for Reception class will take place on Thursday afternoons (Spring 2) and will take place every other week. More details to follow.

Snack and Water Bottles
Fruit, milk and water are available to your child throughout the school day. Your child should bring in a water bottle that is sent home to be thoroughly cleaned each evening. 

Class Team.

Mrs Bostock- EYFS Lead & Cardiff Class Teacher

Mr Lamb- Cardiff Class Teacher (Thursday)

Miss Biggs- Edinburgh Class Teacher

Mrs Parr, Mrs Webb, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Morris, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Thrall (Friday)- Reception Teaching Assistants

Upcoming Events.

Parents evening-

18th and 19th March 2025

Booking will be via Ping app.


How you can support us.

We value the learning partnerships with parents.  You can support your child's learning at home by:

  • reading with your child daily
  • accessing Reading Eggs
  • assisting them with reading and writing their tricky words
  • encouraging them to create simple sentences independently in their homework books
  • assisting with handwriting practice/formation
  • daily counting opportunities such as when climbing the stairs
  • using their number cards to support them with number recognition and place value
  • talking with them about the world that surrounds them
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