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Our Mission & Curriculum Principles

Christian Ethos at Cinnamon Brow

Through its Christian Foundation, and looking at Jesus as its example, at Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School we seek to achieve the vision guided by the following four principles which underpin all that we do:



We want every child to receive an excellent quality, broad and balanced education with a range of opportunities to broaden their choices for their future. We want to show them that whoever they are and whatever the circumstances of their lives, they can achieve. The curriculum is planned carefully to challenge stereotypes, to open up new opportunities and to encourage our pupils to push beyond their personal perceived limits through activities provided to build resilience, perseverance and self-belief. We want to create an environment in which children will strive, giving them determination to discover and challenge their capabilities, and hope in widening their possibilities and aspirations for their futures.

The Christian Values of HOPE and PERSEVERANCE permeate through our POSSIBILITIES driver. 


We want every child to become aware of the world around them in new ways. We want them to wonder in amazement at life’s wonders, but also to build empathy through learning about challenge and difficulty found across the world. We want every child to have opportunities for deep thinking, reflection and personal spiritual growth through collective worship, RE teaching and many awe and wonder opportunities throughout the wider curriculum. We want them to reflect on their own experiences, beliefs, values, hopes and aspirations and on life’s big questions. We want to give them the tools to question, explore, listen and respond. We want them to be creative and able to express their thoughts and convictions. In this way, they will learn to live by putting into action what they are coming to believe and value. 

The Christian Values of COMPASSION and HOPE permeate through our SPIRITUALITY driver.



We ensure that every child is revered and respected as a member of a community where all are known and loved by God. We want to develop their personal & social skills to help them build strong relationships within school, with our local Church, within the wider community and also to gain a sense of the worldwide community.  We want to embolden every child to desire to work with and for the community to create positive change within our extensive school grounds, within Cinnamon Brow itself and within the world beyond.  We will provide opportunities to help them to challenge each other’s thinking and ideas in a safe environment, actively promoting forgiveness and reconciliation, thereby preparing them for their future.

The Christian Values of FORGIVENESS, RESPECT and HOPE permeate through our COMMUNITY driver.


Through a well-planned curriculum, we want to support every child’s understanding of the equality of all peoples and help them learn to challenge stereotypes. We want to provide opportunities for every child to experience the diversity of life in modern Britain and appreciate the richness that this brings. As a school, we will provide a wide range of excellent experiences to help every child gain a solid understanding of, respect for and ability to show dignity towards different cultures and religious traditions. We want every child to have the opportunity to demonstrate compassion and take action, being courageous advocates, passionately standing up for what is right.


The Christian Values of RESPECT and COMPASSION permeate through our DIVERSITY driver.

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