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Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School is committed to the Church of England's vision for an education that enables people to live life in all its fullness and fulfils the words of Jesus in John 10:10, 'I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly'. Central to this, is the truth that every single one of us is made in the image of God and every one of us is loved unconditionally by God.

Cinnamon Brow CE Primary School offers a community where everyone is a person known and loved by God, supported to know their intrinsic value.

Public bodies, including local-authority-maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011.  This means that we need to publish:

  • details of how our school is complying with the public sector equality duty (updated within policy)
  • our school's equality objectives (these need to be updated at least once every four years)
  • Please find this information for Cinnamon Brow CE Primary below.

What is the diversity of our school population?

In line with the PSED (Public Sector Equality Duty) of the Equality Act 2010, we publish the following data (accurate at March 2023):



Number of pupils

School – 311 52.7% male 47.3% female

Number of staff


Number of governors


Religion (denomination of the school)

Church of England

Attainment on entry

Below average in communication, language & literacy, maths and personal social & emotional development

Ever six pupils (R – Y6)

Eligible for pupil premium



84.9% White British

5.1%   Any other White Background

1.9%   Black African background

1.9%   Any other Asian Background

1.3%   Other Ethnic Background

1.3%   Any other mixed background

1%      Pakistani

1%      Chinese

1%      White & Black African

0.3%   White & Black Caribbean

0.3%   Any other Black background


English as an additional language


9 additional first languages other than English

Special Education Needs


1.3% Educational & Health Care Plans

Average attendance rate


How are we performing in relation to the three aims of the equality duty?

This will be updated within the policy each year.

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