Parent Survey Results (July 2023)
98% of parents believe that their child is safe at school with 62% strongly agreeing. We take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously alongside our commitment to nurturing the children in our care. We are pleased that parents agree.

89% of parents felt that they are kept up to date about their child's progress in school. We value suggestions to make this communication even more effective so please let us know. Parents have requested face to face consultations to return and we have put this in place for Autumn term.

With over half of parents who responded agreeing that they would like more opportunities to see the school in action, we will begin to organise opportunities over the second half of the Autumn term.

95% of parents believe that their child is happy at school with 71% strongly agreeing. Alongside ensuring that every child achieves well, we strongly desire that children enjoy their time at school. We are pleased that parents recognise that whilst there may be challenges along the way, their children are happy and thrive at Cinnamon Brow.

95% are pleased with the quality of education that their child receives at school with 62% strongly agreeing. We value this recognition from parents as we continue to build upon the 'good' grading provided by Ofsted in September 2021.

Of the 21 parents who responded who have experience of our SEND approach, 76% (16) were happy with the provision for SEND. We want to work in partnership with parents of children who have special education needs and actively encourage discussions to make our provision even better.