Safer Internet Day 2021

An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world
The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?
On 9th February, it is Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme is all about looking at the reliability of the information we see online and deciding whether what we’re reading is true or just fake news! It might be a good idea to start off by looking at the information on the Safer Internet Day Information document to find out all about this year’s theme and get you thinking about what you can and can’t trust online. Then have a go at one or more of the activities. You don’t need to complete all of the activities, just choose one or two of the ones that interest you. Keeping safe online is so important and a skill that will benefit you both right now and in the future, so it’s really important that you have a look at these lessons. Have fun and stay safe!
Activity 1 - Online detectives: How many of these tasks can you complete alongside your trusted adult?
Activity 2- Safer Internet Day Quiz: Can you get all of the questions right?
Activity 3 - Staying Safe shorts: A few short films to help guide your discussions about keeping safe online.
Activity 4 - Top Tips: Read theses top tips about staying safe, can you add any of your own?
Activity 5 - Digital Footprints - How many footprints have you left on the internet?
Activity 6 - Public or Priavte: Which of these pieces of information should be shared?
Activty 7 - Smarty the Penguin story 2: How do you deal with misleading information (suitable for 3-7 year olds)
Activity 8 - Mindfulness time: Have a break from the screen with some colours and have a chat about what staying safe online looks like to you.
Live Events
Throughout the day, there will be live events hosted online to support the day's theme. We'll keep this page up to day as we hear about more.
11am - CBBC Live Lesson - Link
12:30pm - Story time with Mr Lamb - I'll be reading a story called 'Raider's Peril', an original book made for the topic of online safety. Suitable for KS2 learners, but everyone is welcome to join. - Go to and join the meeting nicknamed 'raider' from 12:25pm.
1:30pm - Safer Internet Day Live with Liverpool FC - Returning for another year, Liverpool FC will be joining us for a live event this Safer Internet Day to talk about the theme of reliability online. With their support, this important topic around online safety will reach as many young people as possible. - Link
Information for Parents and Carers
The internet is a wonderful tool for learning, having fun and being sociable, however it does have its downsides. It is important for us to keep in mind that children as are learning to navigate the world, they tend to be enthusiastic and trusting. The flip side of these wonderful qualities is a tendency to lack caution and the ability to tell when they might be at risk.
Whenever they are online, they are at risk from unsuitable content, accidentally disclosing their personal data, illegal downloads, file sharing, spyware, viruses, inappropriate advances, misinformation and cyber bullying. Although Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to emphasise the importance of keeping safe online and tackling some of these issues, we hope that you will continue the conversation at home as we strongly believe we need to give our children as many tools as possible to keep themselves safe when using the internet.
Below are a few links and resources to help you talk to your children at home about keeping safe online. There are some activities you can do with your children as well as conversation starters and apps to help you monitor their internet usage. You can also find a handy guide with tips on how to help your children be safe and responsible internet users.
And a couple of links to helpful apps for you to monitor and protect your child when they’re online: