Welcome to Rome Class!
Here is what we are going to be learning about during the Summer Term
Our Full Curriculum can be found under: school information / curriculum overview.
In Summer 1, the children will be reading the story The Last Wolf - a wonderfully engaging text by one of our favourite authors. This story blends the familiarity of traditional tales with an important environmental message.
In Summer 2 we will be reading Goldilocks and Just the One Bear – a creative and clever twist on the original traditional tale with a heartwarming ending.
In addition to daily reading, spellings and phonics (Year 1), English sessions incorporates the following:
- KS1 Grammar: see the overview on the school website
- Small group and whole class guided reading tasks
- Reading Eggs in class and at home
- Creative writing challenge opportunities e.g. narratives and descriptions
- Non-fiction writing opportunities e.g. information texts and instructions
At Cinnamon Brow we use the Power Maths scheme, aligned with White Rose Maths, as the main part of our teaching and learning plan.
In KS1 we are deepening our mathematical knowledge with a mastery approach, using concrete resources, pictorial representations and building up to understanding more abstract written methods of recording our understanding.
This term we will be working on:
Year 1
- Place value in numbers to 20
- ordering and comparing numbers
- addition and subtraction within 20
- 2D and 3D shape
Maths Homework: In KS1 we ask that you continue to support us with your child's rapid recall of number and multiplication facts by using Numbots and TTRockstars on a daily basis. We recommend 10 minutes each day.
Year 2
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Time
Religious Education
As a Church of England School, Religious Education is a core subject and. alongside collective worship, is a very important part of school life. RE & worship takes place throughout the school day with daily prayers, whole school and class worship and the sharing of our Christian values.
This term the focus taken from the Diocese scheme of work and linked to Understanding Christianity is:
- The creation story in Christianity and other faiths
- Why is baptism special? How do people of other faiths welcome new babies?
Seasonal Change
- Observe changes across the four seasons
- Observe and describe the weather associated with each season, and how the length of the day changes
Animals, Including Humans
- explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive
- identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
- identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro habitats
- describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.
Why was the TItanic important?
In Summer 2, our investigation will be focussed on a significant historical event with links to our locality. We will be looking at the sinking of the titanic and the wider impact this had.
Children will:
Ask and answer questions about a significant historical even
Learn how the TItanic has a link to our local area
- Find out how life has changed since the Titanic sank
Marvellous Maps
Our geography investigation during Summer 1 will be focussed on learning about why maps are important, how to use grid references and simple compass directions and how to use maps to find out more about our local area.
- Use simple compass directions and locational and directional language to describe the location of features and routes on a map
- use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; and use and construct basic symbols in a key
- use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
Our behaviour curriculum is centred around our Heartsmart values, and we explicitly teach the children a new Heartsmart value, alongside linked behaviours, each half term. Heartsmart means being smart with our hearts. The life of our heart affects the whole of our life. Loving yourself and others is the most powerful way to live and it’s the best way to create true friendship. We become powerful when we love ourselves and when we love others.
Our Heartsmart values, and linked behaviours, this half term are:
Fake is a Mistake
We are learning how we can be true to ourselves
No Way Through Isn't True
We are learning to persevere and be resilient when things get tricky
In our wider PSHE curriculum, we will explore the following topics during the autumn term:
- Keeping safe
- Looking after our environment
In KS1 we use the Charanga music scheme. The curriculum aims to create a love of music through listening, appraising, performing and composing within different musical genres. We teach our music curriculum in blocks of time over a two-year rolling cycle, allowing for the progression and development of each individual child's musicality and skills. This term our music unit is focussed on the song I Wanna Play in a Band. We will continue to practise finding the rhythm of a song, learning how to listen and appraise, as well as using our voice and simple instruments to produce a short performance.
At Cinnamon Brow we use Real PE to support the development of fundamental movement skills. This aims to bring physical activity to ALL children.
During Summer Term we will be deveoping agility, balance and coordination with equipment as fundamental movement skills. We will also look at athletics and striking and fielding games.
Rome has PE on Thursdays
Children must come to school dressed in school PE kit on their PE day. Please ensure this adheres to school policy and is plain black and unbranded. Your child can also wear their school jumper or cardigan.
- Sculpture and 3D modelling
- Paper crafts
- Shaping and cutting skills
- Painting skills
- Wheels and axles
- Understanding how wheels works
- Designing and making a moving vehicle
How you can support us
Reading with your child is the most important thing you can do to support their learning at home.
Please listen to your child read at least five times a week, and record this in their yellow reading diary.
We now have access to Collins ebooks which is an excellent way for your child to get additional practice with their decodable phonics books. If you need support logging into this system, please contact your child's class teacher.
Two reads per week can be your child using the Reading Eggs learning platform at home. Please record this in their diary as usual.
Your child's Reading Eggs password is on the first page of their reading diary. If you have any trouble signing in online, please ask your class teacher for support.
Class Team
Class Teacher - Miss Bliss
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Cain, Mrs Thrall and Mrs Rowlands are the teaching assistants in KS1
Key Information
Please make sure that children arrive in school on time, wearing the correct school uniform and black school shoes. We also ask that small, drawstring bags are the only bags brought into school. These can be purchased from the school office for £3 if needed. We do not have space in our cloakrooms to store large backpacks.
To keep our pupils hydrated, please make sure your child has a fresh water bottle containing still, clear water. No juice please. Unfortunately, we do not have many spare drinking bottles or cups in school.
Bagels will be provided by school at the start of each day. In addition to this, toast can be ordered via parent pay. This will be ready for morning playtimes.