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British Values


Mutual Respect

Respect is a fundamental school Christian value, around which inspires much of the work of the school. Diversity is one of our curriculum drivers. We pay explicit attention to this as part of our RE and PSHE curriculum plus it is a core part of our inclusion week and inter-faith week which take place each year. 

Respect is a core school rule that is discussed deeply, starting with self respect and respect for others including the world, its people and the environment.


The Rule of Law

At Cinnamon Brow the rules that govern our classes, the school and the country are constantly reinforced throughout the school. Our behaviour policy is aligned to an agreed set of rules which all the children are aware of. The  core rules of Cinnamon Brow link closely to our PSHE curriculum and behaviour curriculum (using Heartsmart). They are: Have hope and show kindness, listen carefully to others and be respectful, forgive each other, tell the truth and persevere in everything.

As the children progress through KS2, they learn more about 'Rules for Living' through RE teaching and through PSHE relationship teaching.


This is being part of a successful working team. Democracy is a British value that children meet when discussing respect and fairness.  As children move through KS2, they learn about the history of democracy and the impact that it has on life with Britain.

Throughtout KS2, the children are all involved in a pupil voice group which meet half termly. Children choose the group they are involved in: Christian ethos, reading ambassadors, Global citizens, anti-bullying ambassadors and safety. 

Annually we hold an election for our School Parliament which is launched on the international day of Democracy in September.   Two representatives from the elected school parliament lead the pupil voice groups.



Children at Cinnamon Brow learn and understand about their place in a culturally diverse society. We give the children opportunities to experience diversity in our local community and around the world. This is throughout the curriculum.

Examples of this are:

  • Inclusion Week
  • Interfaith Week
  • Picture News worship
  • PSHE teaching
  • Global Citizens group work

Individual Liberty

Our values based discussions, PHSE teaching and acts of worship support discussion about self respect and self worth in relation to the individual.

The philosophy of teaching and learning places emphasis on the right to have our own thoughts and evidence based views.

Children are strongly encouraged to develop independence in their learning and to think for themselves. 

Through teaching of the wider curriculum, we ensure that the children see their role in fighting against injustice and are advocates of courageous advocacy.

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