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Welcome to Cape Town Class!

Here is what we are going to be learning about during the Spring Term

Our Full Curriculum can be found under: school information / curriculum overview.




We are looking forward to sharing some interesting fiction and non-fiction texts during this spring term. Here is an introduction to the books we will be studying together: 


Shackleton's Journey – Flying Eye BooksJemmy Button: Amazon.co.uk: Valerio Vidali: 9781848776159: BooksIsland: A Story of the Galapagos : Chin, Jason, Chin, Jason: Amazon.co.uk:  BooksThe Day War Came : Davies, Nicola, Cobb, Rebecca: Amazon.co.uk: Books

The children will be busy writing letters, newspapers, diary entries and writing narratives all based around these texts. 

We will also be working on the following: 

  • Spelling lessons three times a week 

  • Weekly spellings, grammar, comprehension and whole class reading tasks using the reciprocal reading approach 

Reading Plus in class and at home (this can be included twice in the Reading Record.) 


In KS2 we follow a programme called Reciprocal Reading. This is an activity that takes the form of a dialogue between teachers and children as they read as a whole class or in groups. A reciprocal approach provides our children with four specific reading strategies: Questioning, Clarifying, Summarizing, and Predicting. When you listen to your children read, we encourage you to discuss the story lines, plot, characters and the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Reading Homework: we expect daily reading at home. We ask that at least three reads are from the teacher directed ‘book banded’ book and two are from an online reading program (Reading Plus or Reading Eggspress). ALL reads should be recorded in the yellow reading record books to allow staff to keep a record and celebrate success at the end of each term. 



n Years 5 and 6, we are teaching for mastery in our maths lessons. Through carefully planned teaching and the support of a 'Power Maths' scheme we enable all children to access the maths curriculum at their level and open up opportunities for all children to work within a mastery approach.  

The children also have access to TTrockstars, My Maths and Numbots to support their Maths progression through app and online resources.  

This autumn term we will focus on the following topics: 

Year 5 

  • Fractions 

  • Decimals 

  • Percentages 

  • Perimeter and area 

  • Graphs and tables 


Year 6 

  • Fractions 

  • Ratio and proportions 

  • Algebra 

  • Decimals 

  • Percentages 

  • Perimeter and area 



Maths Homework:  In UKS2 we ask that you continue to support us with multiplication knowledge by using TTRockstars on a daily basis. We recommend 10 minutes each day. 


Animals including humans 

The children will learn to: 

  • Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. 

  • Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function 

  • Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. 

Properties and changes of materials 

The children will learn to: 

  • compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets  

  • know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution  

  • use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating


How was Britain revolutionised? 

Pin by Dickie Donaldson on Warrington old and new | Outdoor, Warrington ... Here are some of the questions we will explore: 

-How was the North-West of England revolutionised? 

-What was life like in a town during the Industrial Revolution? 

-Why did so many people die in the slum houses? 

-Could the quality of life of the British people have been improved? 

The children will learn to: 

-extend chronological knowledge beyond 1066  

-identify what the industrial revolution was  

-identify  importance of transport and how this developed during the Industrial Revolution – rivers, canals, rail  

-identify the social and economic impact of the industrial revolution in Britain 


European seismic activity: Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions expected ...What makes the Earth angry? 

Here are some of the questions we will explore: 

  • What would the Earth look like if we sliced through it? 

  • What is each part of a volcano and what happens during an eruption? 

  • What causes an earthquake? 

  • Where do most natural disasters occur and why? 

The children will learn to: 

  • describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes 

  • locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities 

  • use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied



A heart shaped word cloud

Description automatically generatedAs a Church of England School, Religious Education is a core subject and alongside collective worship is a very important part of school life. RE & worship takes place throughout the school day with daily prayers, whole school and class worship and the sharing of our Christian values.                          

This term the focus taken from the Diocese scheme of work is: 


Why is the Exodus such a significant event in Jewish and Christian history?  


  • Why did God choose Moses?  

  • Why is the Exodus such a significant event in Jewish and Christian history?  

  • What is freedom?  

  • Why is freedom important?  

  • What does it mean to be free?  

  • Why is it important to remember?  

Who was Jesus? Who is Jesus? 

  • Who was Jesus?  

  • Who is Jesus?  

  • Who did Jesus say he was?  

  • Was Jesus the Messiah?  


Real PE

Personal - Fielding and striking

PE will take place on the following day: 


On their PE day, children should come to school dressed for PE with appropriate outdoor PE kit.  

Please refer to the school prospectus for PE kit details:  School prospectus 

Art & DT


Exploring a selection of paintings through art appreciation activities. Collecting ideas in sketchbooks and planning for a final piece after researching the life, techniques and artistic intentions of an artist that interests them. 


This cooking and nutrition unit includes opportunities for children to learn a simple bolognaise recipe and adapt it to improve nutritional content.  



Listening and appraising a range of music genres, fluency, control and expression, develop an understanding of the history of music, call & response, singing in round and harmony, timbre.


In this unit, pupils develop their knowledge of ‘selection’ by revisiting how ‘conditions’ can be used in programming, and then learning how the ‘if… then… else...’ structure can be used to select different outcomes depending on whether a condition is ‘true’ or ‘false’. They represent this understanding in algorithms, and then by constructing programs using the Scratch programming environment. They learn how to write programs that ask questions and use selection to control the outcomes based on the answers given. They use this knowledge to design a quiz in response to a given task and implement it as a program. 


Healthy eating  


The verb ‘to be’ 

Clothing, colours and fashion shows 

Carnival clowns and clothes 


The children will be exploring the importance of others and how to love them well.

  • Too much selfie isn’t healthy 
  • Don’t hold on to what’s wrong 

How you can support us.

Reading - 

Reading with your child is the most important thing you can do to support their learning at home. 

Please try and read every night and log this in the yellow reading record.  Three reads are needed from the teacher directed book-banded reading book. We suggest that in UKS2, children should be reading approximately 10 pages per night to increase reading stamina. Two reads should be from the online reading platforms. 

Your child's Reading Plus and Eggs passwords are in their reading diary.  If you have any trouble signing in online, please ask one of us.

Don't forget, Reading Plus/Eggs will count as a read and make sure you record these! Let's get reading!

Maths - please help your child learn Times Tables. TTRockstars is a brilliant app to help with this.  Additionally, children need to complete online maths learning using Doodle maths and Numbots for at least 10 minutes each day.

Please feel free to contact and talk to us in regards to any of your children’s needs.

Key Information

Please ensure that you bring your child's school reading book bag back into school daily as this will be used to bring home important letters and it will keep our reading books safe.

Your child should bring in a water bottle that is sent home to be thoroughly cleaned each evening.





Spellings are very important in UKS2. A spelling list will be sent home each week. This will be words that have the spelling patterns we are learning, plus a short list of statutory words. We suggest the children write out the spellings in a list, in sentences, in rainbow colours and in pictures. These different methods, support the child to remember the patterns and spellings. We also suggest pointing out the spelling patterns in daily reading. 


Teacher - Miss Flethcer-Wilde & Mrs Hough

TA - Miss Hughes, Miss Ozanne & Mrs Minshull

Outdoor Learning

Children will be completing outdoor learning activities planned and lead by our Forest School leader Mrs Minshull. 

Please refer to the school prospectus for more details : School prospectus 

Home-learning Project

Homework projects will be shared each term by the class teachers. These opportunities are for you to share in your child’s learning about the world around them through history, geography, science and the arts. Please support your children in completing these projects.  

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