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Worship Wonders

What are we going to achieve this year?

  • To write letters to children in a school in the Gambia, forging links with people in other parts of the world
  • To continue to make others aware of people and creatures in need
  • To continue to promote the Christian values of our school through activities, events and in our daily lives
  • To write and read prayers in our Friday family worship that reflect our school, community and wider world

What is our role?

  • Sharing prayers in our family celebration worship
  • Leading the writing of prayers in our whole school prayer and reflection area.
  • Being ambassadors for change identifying when, where people are in need and leading on solutions
  • Planning and taking part fundraising and rasing awareness of others in need
  • To be good role models promoting our Christian values at school and in the community
  • To be actively involved during whole school worship – leading the songs of worship, saying prayers.

What have we been up to?


A couple of examples of our family celebration prayers

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