SEND information and Support
Mrs Lisa Locke is the lead SENDCO (Social, Emotional & Mental Health SEMH) and holds the SENDCO qualification. She is supported by Mrs Sarah Tilley SENDCO (Learning & Cognition). Mrs Locke and Mrs Tilley are joined in a SEND team by Miss Alys Biggs (EYFS SEND lead) and Mrs Andrea Ozanne (SEND ADMIN). The SENDCO team can be contacted via: 01925 821108 or via email: /
Cinnamon Brow C.E. Primary School is an inclusive Church school which welcomes all children. We believe that all children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum and should be equally valued in school. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.
SEND Important Documents
SEND Interventions & Programmes
At Cinnamon Brow we use a wide range of programmes to support the learning and progress of our pupils with SEND. They include:
- Nessy
- Clicker
- Motivated Minds (Behavioural Support)
- Dedicated Teaching from our SENDCO Mrs Tilley
- Dedicated SEMH Support from our Pastoral TA Ms Upton
- Use of ELSA Programme by Pastoral TA
Reflection Rooms
In 2022 we developed spaces throughout the school for children to use during the school day. The area provides a quiet space for children to relax and recentre themselves when they are struggling to focus on learning. Alongside this children are provided with sensory items to support them inside the classroom during the school day. Our bespoke rooms include an 'Under the Sea' theme, 'Woodlands' area and 'Landscape' room. Our Pastoral TA uses the rooms as a primary space to complete work with children as well as a calm space to deliver dedicated sessions for bespoke SEMH sessions, bereavement counselling, anger management, ELSA programmes, friendship support and nurture.