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Parent/Carer Survey (July 2024)

98% (56 parents) of parents believe that their child is happy at school with 57% (32 parents) strongly agreeing.  Alongside ensuring that every child achieves well, we strongly desire that children enjoy their time at school. We are pleased that parents recognise that whilst there may be challenges along the way, their children are happy and thrive at Cinnamon Brow.

happy at school result

97% (55 parents) of parents believe that their child is safe at school with 60% (34 parents) strongly agreeing.  We take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously alongside our commitment to nurturing the children in our care.  We are pleased that parents agree.

feel safe results

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high expectations

97% (55 parents) are pleased with the quality of education that their child receives at school with 49% (28 parents) strongly agreeing.  Infact, no parents disagreed with 3% (2 parents) giving an answer of 'don't know'. We value this recognition from parents as we continue to build upon the 'good' grading provided by Ofsted in September 2021. 

quality of education

88% (50 parents) of parents believe that the school makes sure that pupils are well behaved with over a quarter (29%) strongly agreeing.  As a school, we continue to develop our approach to behaviour management including the support in place for the very small minority of pupils who demonstrate more challenging behaviour.  We are pleased that this hardwork is acknowledged in the strong agreement by parents.


Of the 57 parents who responded, 47% (27 parents) responded with the option 'n/a'.

Of the remaining 30 parents, 60% (18 parents) agreed that bullying is dealt with effectively.   27% (8 parents) did not feel that bullying is dealt with as effectively as it could be.  As a school, we continue to educate our pupils about what bullying behaviour is and how we can all help to stop this.  We use the acronym, STOP (several times on purpose) to help to distinguish between bullying behaviour and unkind behaviour.  All allegations of bullying are investigated because we take these very seriously as a school. 

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