Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is as ambitious as the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum can be viewed here: National Curriculum (in pdf format).
Our curriculum is personalised to our local context and planned around four key drivers or principles: Possibilities, Spirituality, Diversity and Community interlinking our schools Christian values and based upon the foundation of our school's Christian vision. We want to support our children in developing to live life in all its fullness as well-rounded young people.
We plan our curriculum in four phases: Phase 1 (EYFS), Phase 2 (Y1 and Y2), Phase 3 (Y3 and Y4)and Phase 4 (Y5 and Y6). In KS1 and KS2, our curriculum is taught over a two year cycle; this supports our mixed-age intake and ensures that there is consistency in the curriculum offer no matter which class a child may be in. Learning in each subject has been planned to ensure that children build their knowledge, skills, vocabulary and understanding progressively in Y1 to Y6, building upon learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Our PSHE curriculum is based upon the Heartsmart programme which has the Bible at its core. In addition, the Heartsmart principles inform our behaviour curriculum and our school ethos.
Long Term Curriculum plans
If you require any further information about our curriculum, please contact the school office: 01925 821108 / office@cinnamonbrow.org.uk.