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Curriculum Statement

Geography long term curriculum overview

During 2022-2023 we worked hard to develop our teaching of Geography. In September 2023 we were delighted to be awarded the Gold Primary Geography Quality Mark. Strengths were identified in all areas, including:

We have created a rich curriculum with ambitious standards and a relevant and enjoyable curriculum. 

Pupils can draw on every-day and first-hand experiences as well as broader geographical issues at a local and global scale.

Progression in fieldwork and mapwork is excellent.

A clear vision for geography.

You can read our full feedback report here

Since 2023, we have continued to develop and enhance Geography learning across the whole school.


What does geography look like at Cinnamon Brow?

At Cinnamon Brow, we strongly believe that children need to be taught Geography because it helps us to better understand people, places and environments and the interactions between them. It is vital that children understand how places are changing so that they can better predict and work towards likely and preferred futures as they are the future. We strongly believe that through providing an excellent Geography curriculum, we enable our children to become ‘geographers’ by giving them the foundation of knowledge, skill and understanding to enable them to have a positive impact on the future of our world. Our curriculum is founded on four drivers: possibilities, spirituality, diversity and communities which are interwoven into all learning and will support the development of children’s geographical understanding as they progress through school. We aim to develop children’s:

• Contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places including their ability to define physical and human characteristics

• understanding of the physical, social and economic forces which shape those places and the people who live there.

• Field work and mapping skills of location, symbols, scale, perspective and map use.

What is Geography?

Click on the image of the map to find out what is Geography?


download (3)

What do the children say?

Pupil voice forms an intergral part of our spiral curriculum. Children were asked to explain how they use maps in their classes:

How can you support your child with geography?

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