Our Christian vision is based upon Jeremiah 29:11. We want our children to have hope and a future which is underpinned by an excellent education.
At Cinnamon Brow we encourage justice and courageous advocacy, enabling pupils to make ethical choices and to be agents of change. Our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of local and worldwide issues and gives them the opportunity to take action. In addition, we encourage our pupil voice groups to speak up and lead us in supporting changes that they are passionate about.
We work hard to support our pupils by providing opportunties for them to develop resilience, teamwork, courage and independence. We want our pupils to have a strong understanding of the wider world and how they can help make it a better place, enabling our children to flourish.
Global Citizens

Our Global Citizen's group saw a Facebook post about charity shops needing toys before Christmas rather than afterwards so they can help families. They asked Mrs Hough to help them organise an appeal - well done to our Global Citizens!

Kindness Advent Calendar

Our Christian Ethos group discussed what they could launch for our advent this year following our sucessful reverse advent last year. Mrs Bostock told them about the kindness advent and they really wanted to take this forward. They worked together to create the kindness advent, all contributing their ideas. They then launched it to the whole school community.
Saving the Turtles
Last year, Canberra class decided to take action after reading a book in English about the challenges facing turtles.
They asked Mrs Gregory to help them to organise a cake sale to raise money.

Tyler, Louis and Jacob wanted to raise awareness for a cause very close to their hearts. After losing family members to bowel cancer the boys requested we take part in The Bobby Moore Fund - Football Shirt Friday with Cancer Research UK.
All donations sent in will be counted and sent directly to this Charity.
Bucharest's Service Pledge

As part of our collective worship focusing on the Christian value of 'service', we asked the children to make pledges in their classroom about what they can do and how they can serve.
Bucharest class asked Mrs Locke if they could organise an own clothes day to get food in to give to the foodbank. We were so impressed by their idea that we have organised for this to happen once a month. What an impact you are having, Bucharest!

Life Center School, The Gambia

Last year's school parliament wanted to raise money to sponsor two pupils at Life Center School in The Gambia after they were told about the school by Mrs McDavid, one of the school governors.
In their own time they made loom band bracelets and then sold them alongside spare football cards. They raised over £400 and we are so proud of them.
This year, our Christian ethos group have become pen pals to children at the school to share about their lives here in England and to find out about life in the Gambia. We are excited to see where this work takes us.

Nancy chose to make friendship bracelets to support the Ukrainian children

School Parliament passion for plastic free schools
This year's school parliament want to keep on the good work started by last year's parliament who had a passion for reducing plastic use.
They are working with the global citizens group to look at how we can reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles in school. They have written letters to Warrington Borough Council about the individual milk bottles used in EYFS and at snack time. In addition, they have completed audits about the use of single-use plastic water bottles in school and are now working on a campaign to reduce this to zero use! Well done to you all!
Helping others to be Heartsmart
Scarlett created this wonderful Heartsmart poster and brought it in to school today. Miss Battersby has displayed this in the classroom for everyone to see.

We are so proud of Amy. She asked if she could complete a sponsored silence in support of Children in Need. She managed it and raised lots of money for this amazing charity - well done, Amy!
One kind compasionate pupil decided to buy the book with his own money as he knew it would raise money for children less fortunate than himself.