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We had a great response to our parent survey that was completed in July.  On this page, you can see some of the comments, questions and suggestions from parents and our response.  We very much value parent involvement and want to work together to ensure our school is the very best that it can be.

In the speech bubbles, you can see parents comments and then below this, our response.


SENDCO -we appreciate that having opportunities to speak to the SENDCO is important.  This is why we introduced the first specific SENDCO 'drop-in' evening last year.  The SENDCO team work very hard to support the learning needs of pupils across school and meeting with parents. Coffee morning drop-ins and drop-ins with a specific focus will be announced throughout this year - any suggestions, please let us know.

Parking - we work very hard with PCSO Neil Potter.  Our Parliament and safety group will be completing a road survey during road safety week and will share these results and their suggestions with you. In addition, we are applying for funding to support with further double yellow lined areas and 'mini-police' stands to ensure that key footpaths are kept clear for pedestrians.

Bikes - we continue to work with the children as they arrive in the morning prior to the gates opening. We have asked them to be off their bikes and not to ride on the school grounds - keep letting us know if this becomes a problem again.

Newsletter - we endeavour to give a month's notice but appreciate that at times this hasn't happened.  The weekly newsletter is a key way that we announce events and we have the full list of events up until Christmas (including Christmas events) listed.  There are also lots of extra-curricular visits and events listed too.  We always try to send the newsletter out on a Friday and will try to ensure that this happens this academic year.

Walking day - we understand that the decision to not take part was disappointing.  With the lack of information about the safeguarding of the children until very close to the event, we, alongside the other local schools, made the hard decision to not take part this year. I have already contacted the local councillor about next year's event and am awaiting a response.

SLT - whenever we are able to, a member of the leadership team is available outside at least 8:40-8:50am.  If you wish to speak to a member of the leadership team, and we are not there when you drop off, please do call into the school office so we can support you.  Additionally, please feel free to contact the school office to make an appointment.

Class Dojo - we appreciate that class dojo is an easy and accessible way to contact staff. However, it is important that as a headteacher, I am supporting staff wellbeing.  Being available to be contacted 24/7 does not support wellbeing which is why we have asked for parents to make contact by the class email address for non-urgent matters and via the school office for more urgent needs.  In addition, the class teaching team are available at each classroom door each morning and end of the school day.  If you feel that you are struggling to get hold of a member of staff, please do let us know via: office@cinnamonbrow.org.uk or 01925 821108.


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